XPLAB university : power-ki, powerBerry, IoT
The topics we can talk with you are very different: programming languages, operating systems, hardware devices, Internet of Things (IoT), systems for social interaction, robotics, factories of the future, machines nonexistent or useless ...

The Magisterial Thesis of Ing. Guido Zini and Ing. Simone Guglielmoni are no small thing: A True Factory 4.0 - which was created for Fiera BIE2017! Work was tough, great effort, but also satisfaction for the remarkable achievement. Top technologies: from the IoT, to the 3d interfaces, new generation programming languages, to the design of the control center structure.

With passion and dedication, for his thesis of the three years, the newly ing. Alessando Minini has realized, with 3D printing techniques, a flexible end effector, with Arduino + Raspberry the hardware platform and with POWER-KI / PowerBerry the control software for a robotic arm. A flexible, cost effective and that can serve to start new studies and experiments.

The neo engineers Leonardo Bellini and Alberto Roselli, made their thesis of the third year on the use of electromyographic EMG signals for operating servo motors. From the link related to the image on the right, you can reach to the article published on Hackster.io. Their work can be useful as a starting basis for the development of low-cost physiotherapy instruments.

We have a big focus for educational activities, we are open to collaborations with research institutions, universities, technical schools, high schools and even individual teachers, students or researchers. If you want to propose an idea, a partnership, or want to do an internship or prepare a thesis with our collaboration / mentoring, contact us .